Two-tone lattice railings
Deck Design
Sometimes the vertical surfaces (railings and the such) on decks have a heavy coating of stain that will not come off with power washing alone. This leaves us with two options: sand all surfaces of every spindle and railing component–very expensive and unnecessary, or refinish the vertical deck surfaces with a solid color decking stain, creating a two tone look with the semi transparent floor.
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On this particular project, the homeowner and I decided to go this route. The deck was covered in old stain buildup and deep grooves caused by sun damage. We decided to sand the floor and railing caps to refinish with Boodge in semi transparent Dark Cedar, and refinish the railings with Cabot solid stain in Cardovian Brown. I also suggested that we replace the lattice inserts with brand new lattice, and stain them with Boodge to create a framed look on the railings.
It turned out amazing! The dark brown had a really nice contrast with the semi-transparent stain, and the lattice looked great surrounded by the dark. If you have a similar situation, keep this option in mind.
— Neill McKenzie, Founder